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FGCU TheatreLab
Fort Myers, FL

The production concept for Hamlet centered around the idea that these characters were actors who had been performing Hamlet for 400 years within a world of dirt and mud. Approximately 50 pounds of ground up cork rested on the platforms and got reset after every performance. The bricks throughout the set were treated with spackle and some of this ground up cork to create more texture and a more cohesive look overall. Generally, dry brushing and a simple scumble was the best and quickest method since our production schedule had been pushed back from the Hurricane.

Directed by: Barry Cavin
Scenic Design: Olivia Daley
Scenic Charge: Lea Pick
Lighting Design: Zoey Massie
Costume Design: Michelle Jimenez
Sound Design: Roberto Mena
Properties Design: Haley Adkins
Stage Manager: Lea Pick
Technical Direction: Anne Carncross

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